Ginnungagap Essays

Welcome to Ginnungagap Essays 

What are we?

What is Heathenry today?

What is Heathenry becoming?

Where do we fit into that?

These are all questions that I have heard around the web over the past few years. Sometimes people shout loudly that there is too much mysticism in Heathenry nowadays, other times it swings the other way. We go from having a place to having none.

And yet part of the responsibility for this must fall to our heads too. We've all seen the fakes and wannabes that just want to feel special or those that exploit others while dangling the carrot of greater knowledge or power before those that they exploit.  We cannot simply blame the non-Mystical folks for this state of affairs. We must also take responsibility, examine our actions within the context of the wider community and try to figure out where we fit into it all.

Ginnungagap Essays is a place for exactly that. For the essays that ask those kind of questions and relay the experiences that people have had trying to fit in.

If you have any essays that you feel will fit here - please feel free to contact me.

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